Welcome to Beacon Hill School
Beacon Hill School presents a superb education for each child. Your child will benefit from the highest quality enriched program in small classes with personalized instruction and attention to individual needs.
A Brief History of Beacon Hill School
Beacon Hill School was established in 1959 with a campus in North Miami by Mr. and Mrs. Irving Liss. A second campus was opened in 1977 in Hollywood. Beacon Hill is accredited by the Association of Independent Schools of Florida (AISF), is a charter member of the National Council for Private Schools Accreditation, and is a member of the Broward County Non-Public School Association.
Please Print, Sign, and return this Handook verification form
when requested by the Home Room Teacher
School Philosophy
Beacon Hill School is dedicated to the fundamental philosophy “The future belongs to those who prepare.” To achieve this goal, Beacon Hill School fosters the holistic development of each child. At Beacon Hill, the goal of schooling is to help each child grow into a knowledgeable, responsible adult who can find personal meaning and satisfaction in using his/her skills, talents, and creativity. This focus requires cognitive and intellectual, physical, aesthetic, social, emotional, moral, and spiritual development and growth in a caring supportive environment that enables each child to reach his/her maximum potential and feel pride in his/her accomplishments.
Thoughtfully planned, age appropriate programs taught by experienced and certified teachers ensure the growth and development of each child. Pre-Kindergarten refers to our youngest students, Gems through Junior Kindergarten. Elementary refers to Kindergarten through grade five. Middle School refers to grades six through eight.
Administration and Staff

Mr. Andrew Liss - Executive Director
Mr. Liss is the primary authority at Beacon Hill and is responsible for the overall administration and financial matters of the school.
All of the teachers at Beacon Hill are certified by the State of Florida and by the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services or are in the process of obtaining Florida Certification. Masters degrees are held by many faculty members.
Mr. Irving and Mrs. Chèrié Liss
Founders of Beacon Hill School
Early Childhood Department
Admissions Procedures
All students are accepted at Beacon Hill School on a probationary basis. A copy of the child’s birth certificate, health forms, and proof of immunization must accompany the registration application.
Pre-Kindergarten students are accepted from the age of 12 months and in diapers.
Beacon Hill School reserves the right to exclude any students whose behavioral records indicate the need for a different learning environment than Beacon Hill offers.
Beacon Hill School is open to all students with respect to race, color, creed, religion, and ethnic background. The school is a nonsectarian, nondenominational school.
Arrival Procedures
The school is opened at 6:30 a.m. daily. School is in session from 8:30 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. daily. Before- and after-school care is available at no charge for all Beacon Hill students.
From 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Safety Patrol members are posted at the door to assist with arrivals. Children who arrive from 6:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. are to go to the cafeteria. NO STUDENT MAY GO TO HIS/HER CLASSROOM PRIOR TO 8:30 A.M. STUDENTS ARE DUE IN THEIR CLASSROOMS BY 8:30 A.M. Please make sure that your child is in school on time.
All students must wear school uniforms. Uniforms consist of navy polo shirts with the school logo on a patch and shorts or pants or skirts, skorts, and jumpers in khaki. Beacon Hill color crest hoodies are now the approved uniform jacket and are the mandatory outerwear for JrK-8th grade. No other styles etc. will be allowed. Gems and Preschool are welcome to order, but not required. Although they have hoods, the hoods are NOT to be worn on heads indoors. Shirts must be tucked in. No hats are to be worn in school. To purchase uniform items with the school crest, contact our office. No sandals or open-toed shoes are allowed.
Students out of uniform will have parents contacted to bring appropriate clothing.
A $5 charge will be added to the parents’ bill if the proper uniform is not provided. Parents will be informed of this in writing.
All students must bring a complete change of clothes with them. These should be clearly labeled with the student’s name and can be play clothes, rather than another uniform. Additionally, students in our “wet class” must provide the teacher with appropriately sized diapers and wipes.
Attendance and Punctuality
Proper attendance is necessary for continuous learning. Attendance is taken and recorded daily by the Homeroom teacher.
Students should be in school at the proper time. A punctual beginning to the day sets the routine for the child.
Partnership with Parents
Effective schools involve parents in the education process. Formal parent/teacher conferences and telephone calls will keep parents apprised of their children’s progress.
The school sends home a newsletter focusing on issues of importance and listing upcoming events called “Highlights.” Student input will be part of this publication.
Student Progress
Daily work is sent home in Pre-Kindergarten. Memos and notices will be attached. Please review all papers.
Additionally, students in Junior Kindergarten will receive a report card twice a year that indicates the level of mastery that each child has achieved academically and socially. Report cards should be signed and returned to school on the Monday after dispersal.
Homework is an essential part of the learning process and research bears out its positive effects. Homework reinforces the concepts taught during the day, reviews skills still unmastered, and requires application of critical thinking skills. Clear and precise directions for home assignments are given in class.
Homework is given once or twice a week in Junior Kindergarten. The goal of the assignment is to begin to teach the students to take on the responsibility of doing homework. Missed or incomplete assignments will be treated via the school Code of Conduct.
Student Behavior
Beacon Hill School sees each child as an individual with specific needs and interests to be facilitated by experts in curricula. An atmosphere of trust and mutual respect fostered by all, promotes the best learning. Praise, positive reinforcement, encouragement, and kindness are very important to the faculty of Beacon Hill. Beacon Hill maintains a NO SMOKING, DRUGS, ALCOHOL, OR WEAPONS policy. (See Code of Conduct, pg. 14)
Field Trips
Field trips are very important educational experiences. Each child must submit a permission slip for the field trip signed by the parents with proper fees, if needed. NO CHILD WILL PARTICIPATE ON A FIELD TRIP WITHOUT PROPER PERMISSION FORMS. A COPY OF THE PERMISSION SLIP MUST BE LEFT IN THE OFFICE. School uniforms must be worn on trips.
Pre-Kindergarten has regularly scheduled assemblies. Parents are always invited to attend. Twice a year a special assembly will be held to showcase our Pre-K students. Watch for details on these.
Pre-Kindergarten participates in all of the large functions of the school such as Earth Day, Winter Performance, End of the Year Show, Thanksgiving Feast, etc.
Students may bring lunch to school from home or sign up for a catered lunch on a monthly or daily basis. Money should be given to the Homeroom teacher who will make arrangements for catered lunches. Students arriving late are required to make their own lunch arrangements through the office. When available, a catered lunch is given to a student who does not have a lunch and the account is charged.
Proper cafeteria behavior is expected at all times. Misbehavior will result in consequences per the Code of Conduct.
(More details about the hot lunch program in the school cafeteria are coming soon).
Dismissal Procedures
Dismissal is at 3:15 p.m. Students being picked up by parents should go to the front door. The school is open until 6:00 p.m. each evening with after-school programs and day care provided.
We do not release any student to anyone other than those approved to pick up the child. All changes in dismissal procedures must be arranged through the office with a note from the students’ parents or a telephone call during the day. If calling to make changes in bus arrangements, please contact the school before 1 p.m.
All early dismissal arrangements are made through the office. DO NOT DISTURB YOUR CHILD’S CLASSROOM!
All students leaving the premises will be noted on a sign-out sheet and signed out by parent.
Medication and Illnesses
Medication will be administered by the Office only at lunch time. Medication must be clearly labeled with the child’s name and instructions for dosage. A signed note authorizing Beacon Hill School to administer the medication must accompany the child and will be kept on file.
In the event that your child is ill, you will be asked to pick up your child and take him/her home. Beacon Hill does not have the facilities to make your child comfortable for a long period of time.
You will also be alerted to any other conditions which are viewed at school such as pediculosis (head lice). We ask that all conditions be treated and that a note indicating the treatment and that it is permissible for your child to return to school accompany the child.
Parents and students are asked to sign the last page of the handbook and return it to the school as soon as possible.
Elementary and Middle School
Admissions Procedures
Students in Kindergarten through Grade Eight will be interviewed and tested by the Principal. The testing fee is $75 which is applied to the registration fee when the student is accepted at the school. Testing may be waived for students entering Kindergarten.
All students are accepted at Beacon Hill School on a probationary basis. A copy of the child’s birth certificate, health forms, and proof of immunization must accompany the registration application.
Beacon Hill School reserves the right to exclude any students whose academic or behavioral records indicate the need for a different learning environment than Beacon Hill offers.
Beacon Hill School is open to all students with respect to race, color, creed, religion, and ethnic background. The school is a nonsectarian, nondenominational school.
Arrival Procedures
The school is opened at 6:30 a.m. daily. School is in session from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily. Before- and after-school care is available at no charge for all Beacon Hill School students.
From 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Safety Patrol members are posted at the door to assist with arrivals. Children who arrive from 6:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. are to go to the cafeteria. NO STUDENT MAY GO TO HIS/HER CLASSROOM PRIOR TO 8:30 A.M. STUDENTS ARE DUE IN THEIR CLASSROOMS BY 8:30 A.M. Please make sure that your child is in school on time.
All students must wear school uniforms. Uniform shirts with the school logo are purchased from the school office. Modest bottoms consist of khaki-colored shorts or pants, skirts, or skorts. Pants with belt loops must have a black or brown belt. Beacon Hill color crest hoodies are now the approved uniform jacket and are the mandatory outerwear for JrK-8th grade. No other styles etc. will be allowed. Although they have hoods, the hoods are NOT to be worn on heads indoors. Shirts must be tucked in. No hats are to be worn in school. No sandals or open-toed shoes are allowed.
Students out of uniform will have parents contacted to bring appropriate clothing.
A $5 charge will be added to the parents’ bill if the proper uniform is not provided. Parents will be informed of this in writing.
Students in Elementary and Middle School are expected to dress out for Physical Education. Beacon Hill School P.E. shirts and black gym shorts are the requirements. P.E. shirts can be purchased in the school office.
Distracting hair color and piercings are not tolerated at school, subject to the administration’s discretion.
Attendance and Punctuality
Proper attendance is necessary for continuous learning. Attendance is taken and recorded daily by the Homeroom teacher. Excused absences include: illness of a student, illness of an immediate family member, death in the family, religious holidays of the student’s own specific faith, doctor, or dental appointments, and in-house suspension from classes.
Students may not be released before the end of the school day without a signed note from home. Please don’t contact school during the day regarding early dismissal except in an emergency situation.
Teachers will call each absent student after three days. Please inform the office if a student is going to be absent for more than three days.
When the absent student returns, she/he must bring a note from home explaining the reason for the absence. In all absentee situations, teachers are asked to prepare work for the student. All students are expected to make up class work missed during an excused absence. Specific arrangements should be made with the student’s teachers.
The office will be informed if a student is late more than three times. If a student is late to class more than three times, several consequences may follow.
Partnership with Parents
Effective schools involve parents in the education process. Formal parent/teacher conferences and telephone calls will keep parents apprised of their children’s progress.
RenWeb is the school based management software used to facilitate communication between home and school. Once a family is registered, parents are able to log into the system to receive up-to-date information on attendance, grades and homework. Additionally, the school office uses RenWeb to post school calendars and communicate with parents on a variety of issues.
Student Progress
Reports are sent home frequently for all children from Kindergarten through Grade Eight in folders. These give parents information about the student’s progress and conduct in all of their classes, including specials. Papers will be attached. Reports should be signed and returned with the child in their folders on Monday.
Additionally, in Kindergarten through Grade Eight, interim reports are sent home halfway between marking periods. Report cards are sent home quarterly for Kindergarten through Grade Eight. Interims and report cards should be signed and returned to school on the Monday after dispersal.
At Beacon Hill we believe in setting and maintaining high standards. All written work done by students should be done neatly, in complete sentences, and adhere to the rules of grammar and syntax appropriate for the age level. Standard homework format should be used on all submitted papers. We do not accept torn, crumpled or otherwise inappropriate work. It will be returned to be REDONE. Parental support for maintenance of these standards is expected.
Homework is an essential part of the learning process and research bears out its positive effects. Homework reinforces the concepts taught during the day, reviews skills still unmastered, and requires application of critical thinking skills. All students must purchase a Student Planner for the purpose of recording homework and projects.
Clear and precise directions for home assignments are given in class. Teachers have all students record their homework in the Student Planner. Parents may be asked to sign the planner to acknowledge that the work was completed. Homework is given a minimum of three nights a week. Recommended time allotments:
Grades 1-2 | 20 minutes |
Grades 3-4 | 30 minutes |
Grades 5-8 | 60-90 minutes |
In cases where homework has not been completed, a note will be sent home indicating the assignment or noted in the Student Planner, when assigned and due, and when the redone assignment is due. This note must be signed and returned the next day. If the work is not turned in on the required day, the parents will be called at home in the evening. In cases where homework is consistently not turned in, the student’s parents will be contacted and a conference with the principal, parents, and teacher will be scheduled. This will affect the student’s grades.
Classrooms become Homework Rooms from 3:30-4:00 p.m. Additionally, the Library will be open from 4:00-5:00 p.m. daily.
Students in grades one through eight must attend mandatory Homework Room. Teachers and parents can assign mandatory Homework Room attendance for younger students.
Students will be informed of an upcoming test approximately a week in advance. These will be recorded in the Student Planner. Tests will be graded, sent home for parent’s signature, and should be returned to school. Each subject area will have its own test day (for example: Science – Monday, Math – Tuesday, etc.) this will help avoid multiple tests on the same day. Subject test days refer to major or unit tests only. Teachers may give “pop quizzes” in any subject without advance notice.
The Stanford Achievement Test will be administered each spring to all students in kindergarten through eighth grades.
100-94 | A | 79-77 | C+ | |
93-90 | A- | 76-74 | C | |
89-87 | B+ | 73-70 | C- | |
86-84 | B | 69-65 | D | |
83-80 | B- | Below | 65 |
Honor Roll
Principal’s Honor Roll
All As or 90s
No Ns, Us or negative comments
No disciplinary problems/reports
Honor Roll
No subject grade below As or 90%
No specialist grades below 80 or B
No Us or Fs
No disciplinary problems/reports
Students are expected to pass all of their courses. Students who fail one course (Final Average) are expected to attend Summer School for promotion. Students who fail two or more classes (Final Average) will be retained. Parents will be notified in writing.
Student Behavior
Beacon Hill School sees each child as an individual with specific needs and interests to be facilitated by experts in curricula. An atmosphere of trust and mutual respect fostered by all, promotes the best learning. Praise, positive reinforcement, encouragement, and kindness are very important to the faculty of Beacon Hill. Beacon Hill maintains a NO SMOKING, DRUGS, ALCOHOL, OR WEAPONS policy. Students are not permitted to carry or use cell phones at Beacon Hill School. Game Boys and electronic toys should be left at home.
Code of Conduct
It is hoped that all students will conduct themselves in a fashion that is acceptable to Beacon Hill School. The following infractions are cause for disciplinary action:
- Buying or selling of any item not approved by Beacon Hill School
- Stealing*
- Smoking and/or possession of cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs*
- Threatening other students or school personne**
- Hitting other students or school personnel*
- Forcing another to give money or things of value that do not belong to the person requesting it*
- Bringing to school a weapon or any item that may be construed
as a weapon* - Destroying or defacing school property**
- Fighting*
- Going into anyone’s personal belongings without permission*
- Violating the dress code
- Misbehaving on the school bus
- Using indecent or inappropriate language
- Having or giving out indecent or inappropriate material
- Chewing gum on school property
- Students are not to bring cell phones, games, toys, cards, recorders, or other electronic devices to school. For the first offense, the item will be confiscated and the parent must pick up the item. The second offense, the item is held for one month.
- Eating food or drinking soda anywhere in the building except in the cafeteria or on the patio
- Refusing to clean up after him/herself in the cafeteria or patio area
- Being unprepared for class (i.e., clothes, homework, books, pens)
- Being late to class repeatedly or deliberately
- Running in the halls
- Being disrespectful to teachers, staff, or other students, that is but not limited to talking back, refusing to obey school personnel, slamming books on the floor, use of profanity
- Leaving class or building without permission
- Being tardy to school three or more times, excluding bus tardy
- General disruptive behavior
- Not following procedures during a fire drill
* May result in immediate suspension based on the decision of
the Principal and the Executive Director
** May result in immediate expulsion based on the decision of
the Principal and the Executive Director
The normal disciplinary procedures for all infractions (those not designated with asterisks in Code of Conduct) are as follows:
- The teacher will inform the parent(s) of the possibility of disciplinary action prior to assigning the first disciplinary action. The teacher will keep an anecdotal record of the communication. The teacher will inform the Principal of this matter.
- The teacher and student will discuss the problem and detention will be assigned. The parent is to sign the detention form and return it to school the following day with the child. If it is not returned signed, another detention will be assigned.
- If the problem persists, the teacher and the parent will discuss the matter and another detention will be assigned.
- Continued violation will result in a teacher-parent-principal conference and a third and final detention will be assigned.
- If the behavior continues after the last step, the student will be suspended.
- Students who are in detention will be denied bus service and after-school activities.
- Parents are responsible for picking up their children at 4:30 p.m.
- Parents are responsible for paying for or replacing any damaged school property.
- Students who are suspended will be denied field trips or extracurricular activities.
- Students who are suspended will receive a “0” in all classes on the day(s) of suspension.
- Records of all detentions and suspensions will be kept in the principal’s office and filed into the student’s cumulative folder at the end of the year.
- Detained or suspended students are ineligible for Honor Rolls during that grading period.
A suspended student is automatically placed on probation for the remainder of the year. If a student’s conduct, attitude, or lack of effort continues to result in infractions, the student will be asked to leave Beacon Hill School.
Field Trips
Field trips are very important educational experiences. Each child must submit a permission slip for the field trip signed by the parents with proper fees, if needed. NO CHILD WILL PARTICIPATE ON A FIELD TRIP WITHOUT PROPER PERMISSION FORMS. A COPY OF THE PERMISSION SLIP MUST BE LEFT IN THE OFFICE. School uniforms must be worn on trips.
Kindergarten through Grade 8 will each have regularly scheduled assemblies. Each class takes a turn presenting as well as the awarding of Student of the Month, Citizen of the Week, Math Superstars, etc. Additionally, special events like the Earth Day Celebration, Thanksgiving Feast, and other events are scheduled throughout the year. Parents are always invited and welcome.
Students may bring lunch to school from home or sign up for the discounted catered lunch plan available on a 4-week basis. Lunch can be purchased daily. Money should be given to the Homeroom teacher who will make arrangements for catered lunches. Students arriving late are required to make their own lunch arrangements through the office. When available, a catered lunch is given to a student who does not have a lunch and the account is charged.
Proper cafeteria behavior is expected at all times. Misbehavior will result in consequences per the Code of Conduct.
(More details about the hot lunch program in the school cafeteria are coming soon).
Dismissal Procedures
Dismissal is at 3:15 p.m. Students being picked up by parents should go to the front door. The school is open until 6:00 p.m. each evening with after-school programs and day care provided.
We do not release any student to anyone other than those approved to pick up the child. All changes in dismissal procedures must be arranged through the office with a note from the students’ parents or a telephone call during the day. If calling to make changes in bus arrangements, please contact the school before 1 p.m.
All early dismissal arrangements are made through the office. DO NOT DISTURB YOUR CHILD’S CLASSROOM!
All students leaving the premises will be noted on a sign-out sheet and signed out by parent.
Medication and Illnesses
Medication will be administered by the Office only at lunch time. Medication must be clearly labeled with the child’s name and instructions for dosage. A signed note authorizing Beacon Hill School to administer the medication must accompany the child and will be kept on file.
In the event that your child is ill, you will be asked to pick up your child and take him/her home. Beacon Hill does not have the facilities to make your child comfortable for a long period of time.
You will also be alerted to any other conditions which are viewed at school such as pediculosis (head lice). We ask that all conditions be treated and that a note indicating the treatment and that it is permissible for your child to return to school accompany the child.
Parents and students are asked to sign the last page of the handbook and return it to the school when requested.

Hollywood Campus
7600 N Davie Road Extension
Hollywood, FL 33024
Phone: (954) 963-2600
Fax: (954) 963-2878
Email: captbear@beaconhillschool.com
State of Florida
Department of Children & Families
License #46070
"Know Your Child Care Facility"
For more information,
please visit www.myflorida.com/childcare